Why suddenly start again geh?
Sure stop again after 3 posts ~.~
Wei, dont think like that leh.
It hurts...
I'm here to tell you I WONT stop after 3 posts!
Because I dont even know when's the next one is xD
What should I crap about?
Oh well, may be let you all take a peep of what I do in Japan. (not here to play la) *not rich also*
Start from.... My own sweet home.
Basically is just a small room.
Yeah, most of the so-called apartment in Japan for single life are one kitchen, one bathroom, one toilet, then the sleeping room.
I tak ada $$$ so I'm staying kinda far from the Uni(~3km) and only 6 tatami size.
Thats how they measure the room size.
Go there by bicycle.
Unlike rich fags as you guys, pergi class by car. *jealous*
Summer is here and Im getting roasted.
Not to mention when raining while the wind is strong.
So the kitchen is there when you come in through the front door, bathroom on the left.
That's the interior side.
The surrounding are paddy fields.
Outside is dark now so may be I'll show you the photos in the next post.
If there's a next post.
Classes started in April and *boom* now sudah June loh.
Btw, I'm sure lots of you want to know my birthday.
Is 19th June!
I passed my birthday with eating bun for breakfast, bun for lunch and bun for dinner while sitting in front of the laptop for whole day refusing to revise.
Tak ada $$ and lazy to go out makan also.
Back to the classes thingy.
My timetable for sem1 year 1
Currently having mid term test for this semester.
Subjects that have test are 数学演習, 物理学、微分学、線形代数、有機化学、無機化学
So far, the only marks I know is 数学演習.
Passing marks is 60, I got 51 only....
As usual, the God of calculation mistake is always with me.
The rest tak tau lagi and having 無機化学 test next tuesday.
I dont understand how those simple things we learned in form 4 can be so complicated.
May be any pro reading this can teach me.
Are they really genius or just a nut case?
Aaaa~hhhh, gonna snap revising this shyt.
One and only thing I can win over japanese student is this
Getting 430(i forgot) or above is a must if you want to graduate.
Full mark for this test is 999. Average marks for japanese is 500?600?
Many of my friends got around 400~650.
This test is freaking easy and I'm sure many of you can get higher than me.
Thats all.
Tomorrow got korean class.
Replacement for last month.
May be will take some photos around the campus for the next post
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