My math really sucks!
I hate maths and thats why I've picked chemistry over electronic
But 1st year have to take it and I just cant get high marks for these subjects.
線形got 20/50 数学演習 got 51/100 無機 unknown but mostly failed
In order to pass these subject for this semester, I have to at least get 40 for 線形, 69 for 数学演習.
But getting that is kinda impossible for me since the final for this semester will be in 2 weeks time.
I've been telling myself that I should study but things just wont go according to plan.
Havent been studying since last wednesday and those things that I dont understand keep piling up.
I should start studying really hard or else I'll have to retake the subject again next year!
I got 3 more reports that needs to pass up on monday and I havent started doing it at all.
Planning to do that this weekend but before that, I have to go to uni tomorrow morning for that lame 教養セミthingy.
Is something like group work. Choose a topic, research on it and present it tomorrow.
That thing will end around 12noon so may be will start doing it after reaching home.
Aaaa~h.... Study ah!
I dont want to retake it again!
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