Thursday, May 14, 2009


For some reason, I cant stay focus in class since I've changed place.
And all the teachers started rushing very very fast and they keep teaching us new things.
Today got a lot of homework so I only got time to post when waiting to chill my body down and wait for my housemate to finish using the bathroom.

Today was another usual day at school.
Nothing special except that Tadeyama sensei suddenly post the Yeah! ^^v pose when she teach us the new chapter that talks about holidays.
Normally she's quite the serious person so is unusual for her to do that.

And the word da-bao is so so common that not only other races such as malays and indian know it but also japanese. xD

We were also told that there are a test on next friday on the 1st five chapters.
100% very good
95% good
90% okay
89% and below RETEST!
OMG! If you think you cant pass secondary school's exam, dont think of entering this school.

Yesterday we had a so-called drama which we memorized those conversation in the books and need to speak in front of the class the next day.
Yesterday was different because normally, Tadeyama Sensei will hold this so-called drama to test us but it was Konishi Sensei/Nishioh Sensei. * I dont know which because I still cannot differentiate this 2*
She even made a fake camera for us as one of the tool.
One part of the story is 2 people wanted to take a photo so that asked a stranger for help.
Kin Wai was the ''stranger'' but he threw away the camera after taking the photo instead of giving them back.
It was hilarious and unexpected but I can see that sensei is angry.
May be because she puts in effort in making that fake camera.
She also gave a cert to the Best Actor/Actress, Best Group.

Grab from my housemate's blog.
And so today's class finished and we went to pasar malam.
While we were eating ban min, the obasan sat next to us started talking to us and ask us about our studies and so on.
She said I look like a japanese. xD
Have you try eating ban min while holding umbrella?
We did because it suddenly started raining but lucky I finished fast.
Li Ee *not sure how to spell her name* doenst have retractable umbrella so she went and bought it.
There's 1 smart guy selling umbrella there because he knew tonight will rain and he wont discount for us.
But the rain only last for a while so I think those who have just bought it sure will think like this:
"Deng! Ngam ngam mai jor yau mou lok sui! Sai jor"
Ok. Time for me to take a shower and do my homework.
See you next time.
As a reminder, I'm coming back end of this month!
Is JUNE next month......


  1. seriously..change ur background can anot? i read til wanna pening d lar..

  2. Nobody complain but you la.
    but I've changed it just for mak cik. lol
